What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation combined with a sense of heightened awareness.

What does being hypnotised feel like?

There is no specific hypnotised feeling however you may have sensations of heaviness, lightness, floating, tingling and complete mental and physical relaxation.

Can I be hypnotised?

Anyone who wants to be hypnotised can be. Conversely, if you do not want to be hypnotised you will not be. Cooperation is crucial in the assistance of therapeutic change, the therapist does not have the ability to make you change against your will.

Is hypnosis suitable for everyone?

No. Hypnosis is considered unsuitable for those with the following medical conditions:

  • Epilepsy that is not under control with medication and considered inappropriate by the patient’s GP;

  • Patients with severe mental health problems (psychosis) or learning disabilities where cooperation is difficult;

  • Those under the influence of alcohol or drugs where concentration is impaired.

Will I be asleep or unconscious when hypnotised?

No. Being hypnotised is more similar to ‘daydreaming’ or a state of ‘inner focused awareness’ . You will not be asleep or unconscious.

Will I be aware of what is happening?

Yes. You are able to think and hear what the therapist is saying to you. In lighter states of relaxation you may consider that very little has altered at all. In deeper states it can feel like sleep, yet you are still fully aware of the therapist’s voice and can recall some of the dialogue.

Can I communicate when in hypnosis?

Yes. In some scenarios you will be encouraged to communicate either verbally or physically.

Can I get stuck in hypnosis?

No. We enter into, and come out of, daydream states several times throughout our day so if the therapist was to stop half way through a session you would resume a full state of consciousness in your own time.

Can I be influenced to do or say anything against my will?

No. The focus of the treatment is mutually agreed. A therapist who has built rapport and trust into the process will help the client feel ready to discuss their issues with the appropriate methods of treatment and desired outcomes. The client is in control of everything they say and do and will not say or do anything that they are not willing to.

Does this work for children?

Yes. Children have wonderful imaginations and they usually respond very well.

How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions required will be dependent on the condition that is being addressed. Less complex conditions such as smoking cessation and weight control can take one to four sessions. More complex conditions that respond better to analysis may take four to eight sessions.

What format does a session take?

The first step is often the hardest, and that is to get in touch. You will know when the right time to do this is, however the sooner you take this step the quicker you will start to fix the problem.

I offer a free 30 minute consultation during which you can explain the problem you wish to address and I will explain how hypnotherapy can assist. This can be done by phone.

The first therapy session will be used to gather some additional information and establish the client / practitioner relationship. Co-operation and a strong desire to meet your goals is essential. We will discuss the likely number of sessions required and we will focus on relaxation and suggestion therapy. This session usually allows you to leave with a feeling of relaxation.

Further sessions will be determined by the matter being addressed and this will be discussed on an individual basis.

You will always be in control of your speech and actions. You will be aware of what’s happening and you will feel comfortable and relaxed.

How will I feel after the session?

You are likely to feel relaxed and most clients enjoy the process of being treated this way. You will be capable of driving or returning back to work. If the session is dealing with a sensitive subject-matter then it is not uncommon to have some emotional feelings.